Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dance Troup Performance @ Assembly

The final assembly for the term and the dance troup performed. The video is on our web site.



Sunday, September 21, 2014

Scenes from Australia Day 2014

Charlotte and I spent Aussie day down at Matilda  Bay. A fantastic day which also included me getting “arrested” as you can see from the smiles it wasn’t too bad at all.





March Long Weekend in Dongara

Spent the long week end in Dongara and had a great time, perfect weather even if it was a little hot and windy and capped it off with dinner at the pub on Sunday night and a trip to the Pinnacles on the way home.






DSC02144The Pinnacles

Netball Wind Up @ Fast Eddies

The final time the team is together. What a team and a season, all the parents contributed so much to this wonderful team.


An Awesome Easter in Bali

Just got around to uploading some of the pics and stories from Bali this year.

We had an amazing trip and with some excellent adventures, including finding our first Geocaches in Bali and Easter Sunday mass in Tuban.

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P4250438Pacung with David & Moira P4260448 Surya Geocache