Tuesday, January 27, 2015


A long drive to a windy Jurien Bay led to lunch at the Lobster Shack in Cervantes. A great lunch followed by an amazing tour of the lobster factory. We wanted to buy a cray or two but @ $90 per kg, that was never going to happen. Some of the lobsters are going over 2kgs.

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

Lobster Shack - Cervantes WA

P1240823 Collage

Monday, January 12, 2015

A collage of our Xmas and New Years

We covered a huge amount of kilometres over this period, from Perth to Busselton, Hamelin Bay, Margaret River, Bunbury, Geraldton, Nanson, Nabawa and Kalbarri. A very busy but special time with family.

A collage of Xmas and New Years

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Scenes from our Xmas trip

We had an awesome couple of trips over Xmas and New Years. 

We managed to cover quite a few kilometres.